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to lack 意味

"to lack"の例文


  • to lack
  • lack     1lack n. 欠乏, 不足. 【動詞+】 display one's lack of knowledge 自分の無知をさらけだす
  • by lack of    ~がないために、~が欠乏しているために
  • for lack of    ~が足りないため He was unsuccessful, but it wasn't for lack of trying. 彼は成功しなかったが、それは努力不足のためではなかった。
  • if there is a lack in    ~が足りないと、~不足{ふそく}だと
  • no lack of    ~が十分{じゅうぶん}
  • there is no lack of     There is nó láck of O. 〈物?事〉が十分にある.
  • address the lack of    ~の不足{ふそく}に対処{たいしょ}する
  • antigen lack    抗原欠損{こうげん けっそん}
  • attributable to the lack of    《be ~》~の不足{ふそく}に起因{きいん}する
  • blame the lack of    ~の欠如{けつじょ}を非難{ひなん}する
  • caused by lack of    《be ~》~の欠乏{けつぼう}によって起こる[生じる]
  • compensate for the lack of    ~の不足{ふそく}を補う
  • complete lack of    ~に全く欠ける I'm chuckling at its complete lack of anything. Not to mention a complete lack of ethics. To have a complete and abiding lack of pride in anything we do.


  • i feel awful behind due to lack of sleep a bit ...
    あッ ちょっと寝不足で 調子が悪くて...
  • it comes down to lack of management capacity mr . sano .
  • appear to lack any planning or formal grid
    計画性や正式な区分けが ないように思えますが
  • i don't know if this was a reaction to lack of water .
  • every so often , it's necessary to lack something .
  • but we couldn't prosecute due to lack of evidence .
    送検までしたが 結局 証拠不十分で不起訴になった。
  • oh , you just dropped to a cminus due to lack of originality .
    月並みの対応だから Cマイナス
  • failure to change due to lack of satisfaction
  • it says maxwell's case was thrown out due to lack of evidence .
    事件は却下された 証拠不十分で
  • cannot be determined .due to lack of data .
    データの不足により 算出不能
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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